General Insurance
General Insurance Requirements
Vincennes University requires any outside Contractor’s, Supplier’s, Vendor’s, User’s, Organization’s and /or any other group that will be performing or providing: Service, Maintenance, or holding an event/activity to provide a certificate of insurance. The certificate of insurance must name Vincennes University as an additional insured.
Certificate of Insurance must clearly identify the Named Insured, Policy Period, Insurance Company, and any enhancements or restrictions in coverage. The following are our minimum general liability requirements in coverage.
- General Aggregate $2,000,000
- Products & Completed Operations Aggregate $2,000,000
- Each Occurrence $1,000,000
- Personal Injury & Advertisings $1,000,000
- Fire Damage Liability $ 100,000
- Medical Expense $ 5,000
- Auto Liability Combined Single Limit $1,000,000
Any Auto box should be checked
Workers Compensation
- Coverage A workers compensation - Statutory
- Coverage B employers Liability $500,000 - $500,000 - $500,000
Commercial Umbrella or Excess Liability
- Each Occurrence $5,000,000
- Aggregate $5,000,000
Installation Floater needs to be equal to the amount of the project. Include Waiver of Subrogation for Workers Compensation. Coverage’s shall be Primary and Non-Contributory from the Vincennes University coverage. Any deviation or exception from these insurance requirements resides solely with Vincennes University and must be approved by the office of Procurement and Risk Management in advance.
Contact Information
Michael Morrison
Director of Purchasing
812-888-5736 Mmorison@annccb.comLaura Carie
Director of Events & Special Projects